These are the Types of Hazardous Waste That You Need to Look Out For

When it comes to dealing with rubbish removal in Sydney, there are all kinds of hazardous and liquid waste to watch out for.

If you don’t dispose of these elements responsibly, you could be at risk of serious injury or even death. Therefore, it’s essential you hire a professional rubbish removal company to handle your hazardous waste.

Here are just some of the hazardous waste types to look out for.


The materials used to make computers and some other e-waste contain valuable resources that can be re-used.

They also contain hazardous materials that could pose a threat to the environment or people if they are not disposed of in a responsible manner.

For example, heavy metals like lead, chromium and mercury can present a serious health risk if not handled by the professionals.

Mobile phones and phone batteries

Some mobile phones and accessories also contain heavy metals. Therefore, it’s essential that phones and tablets do not end up in landfill. There, they’ll wreak havoc on the environment and can also negatively impact people.

Rechargeable batteries

Rechargeable batteries contain valuable and toxic materials, so it’s essential you dispose of them properly. For large batteries or large quantities, you must hire the professionals.

Used oils

Used oils are hazardous, but they can be recycled. One example is motor oil, which can be recycled at certified facilities. This is a great result for the environment, and people.

If oils end up in landfill or waterways, they can kill wildlife and make people sick. Therefore, whether your business is commercial or industrial, you must hire the professionals to handle your used oils.

Laser and printer inkjet cartridges

Printer cartridges are very common in most commercial businesses and we handle them regularly. Although they contain hazardous elements, they can be recycled.

Therefore, to ensure the best result for your business and to avoid any impact on the environment, hire a rubbish removal company to handle yours.

Fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent globes (CFLs)

Fluorescent lamps and other mercury products, including mercury spills, can be extremely hazardous due to the material they contain.
Therefore, it’s essential you hire Sydney City Rubbish to remove and dispose of yours. We’ll take them to a professional recycling outlet so that you and the environment both benefit.

To discuss removing hazardous waste from your business, get in touch with Sydney City Rubbish here.

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