Recycling in Australia: We Need to Be Better

The state of the world as we know it means recycling is more important than ever.

Unfortunately, as a country, we don’t recycle as well as we could. Immense pollution (especially in the oceans) and recycling inefficiency means we need to do much better.

This starts with the people and businesses who use all kinds of plastic, glass and other items, and dispose of them irresponsibly.

Here’s how we can improve at recycling.


Reduce Your Use

The very best way to get better at recycling and to help the environment, is to actually reduce our waste.

If we’re able to reduce our waste, including plastic, paper, cardboard and any other recyclable materials, we’ll have a direct effect on pollution levels.

It also means we won’t need to recycle nearly as much. This is certainly a win, as even recycling creates some pollution.

Therefore, as a business, take whatever measures you can to reduce the amount of recyclable (and non-recyclable) items you use.


Know Your Waste

It’s impossible to recycle at 100% efficiency unless we know what each product consists of, and where it needs to go.

A prime example is plastic bags.

In Australia, we produce 10 million plastic bags each year. We often fill them with plastic waste and dispose of them, but in reality, they need to be recycled separately.

Plastic bottles present another huge problem.

Too often, plastic bottles end up in landfill, where they take hundreds of years to decompose fully.

A huge number of plastic bottles also end up in the ocean, as well as parks, forests, lakes and rivers, where it wreaks havoc on the eco-system.

Therefore, it’s important that we don’t put plastic bottles in rubbish bins. Rather, they simply must be disposed of in plastic recycling bins.


Separate Accordingly

When recycling your waste, you must ensure you’re segregating waste correctly, so that the wrong items don’t end up in the incorrect place.

To make this easier, make sure your premises has plenty of bins, which are clearly marked for each type of waste.

For larger amounts of waste, provide larger bins. Alternatively, you can contact a rubbish removal contractor like Sydney City Rubbish.

We’ll help you come up with a plan to help segregate your waste.


Consult the Professionals

The best way to ensure your waste is being recycled responsibly is to hire a professional waste removal contractor.

At Sydney Sweep and Scrub, we have a wealth of experience in collecting and recycling waste from a variety of businesses.

We can help you put together an efficient waste management plan, as well as remove and recycle your waste for you.

When you hire us, you can rest easy knowing that all of your recyclable waste is being dealt with responsibly and efficiently.


To discuss recycling your waste, get in touch with Sydney City Rubbish here.

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