Reconfiguring Your Office Layout: Removing Old Office Furniture

The period after COVID-19 will see a huge amount of change in Sydney offices.

More and more businesses will be altering the way they work, which will inevitably mean a shake up within the office.

If you’re considering reconfiguring your office space for social distancing or better flexibility for staff, you may need to install new workstations.

And if this is the case, the old workstations must be removed.

Therefore, at Sydney City Rubbish, we’re very well versed in the safe and efficient removal of old office furniture.

Furthermore, we ensure that everything is recycled or repurposed, meaning a far more sustainable result overall.

Here are a couple of other ways we can help.

Health and Safety

Moving furniture and any other large office items must happen with a careful approach to health and safety.

The nature of these larger, bulky items like workstations, chairs, storage units and other pieces means there’s a substantial risk when moving them.

That risk includes back injury, injury from the furniture falling, breakage and other risk factors.

Moreover, these risks are present for people both moving the furniture, and anyone else that might be present in the space.

Therefore, if you have office furniture to remove, or other commercial waste present, it’s important that you hire a professional Sydney rubbish removal company.

See What’s What

With your office furniture out of the way, it’s far easier to see the floorspace of your office clearly, and plan for the future.

If your old furniture is still sitting in your office space, it can be hard to gauge the space properly, and plan for your new layout.

Moreover, you might have time constraints for this reconfiguration. That’s where our efficient and swift practices come in very handy.

Therefore, to ensure your office is in safe hands and your furniture is removed swiftly and safely, hire Sydney City Rubbish.

To discuss removing the office furniture in your workplace, get in touch with Sydney City Rubbish here.

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