Managing Your Construction Waste

Of all industries across the world, the construction industry is one of the most significant producers of waste.

In fact, one report has estimated that the amount of waste produced by the building industry will double to 2.2 billion tons annually, by 2025.

And in the USA, construction waste already makes up more than one third of all waste produced, every single year.

Whilst our management of construction waste in Australia is improving, we still have a long way to go.

By understanding the rubbish that you produce, you’ll be able to manage it more effectively, reducing, reusing and recycling everything possible.

When managing your waste responsibly, you can be sure that you’re having a better impact on the environment, and saving money in the long run.

Know Your Waste

The first step is to know exactly what kinds of waste your construction site produces, and how much of it there is.

Common waste materials on building sites include:

  • Wood.
  • Metal.
  • Tiles.
  • Insulation.
  • Concrete and brick.
  • Soil and stone.

Once you’ve audited your waste output, you’ll be able to more effectively put together a plan of attack.

That may include more waste receptacles, setting up a waste management committee or reducing the use of certain materials.

Educate Your Workers

Ensure your workers know exactly how and where to dispose of each kind of waste.

This may involve separate bins or skips for wood and metal, as well as soil, stone and ceramic items. By separating your waste, you’re making it easier to reuse or recycle these materials.

This includes sub-contractors – have a clear policy on waste for anyone who comes on-site.

Summon Sustainability

Much of the waste material produced on building sites can become pollution, if it’s not disposed of in the correct manner.

Solvents and dust particles can find their way into our waterways, whilst plastic, treated woods and concrete can cause soil pollution.

Therefore, it’s so important that all of the waste produced on your building site is disposed of responsibly, and reduced, reused and recycled where possible.

Separating waste and hiring a professional waste removal company are great ways to ensure your impact on the environment is a positive one.

Contract a Professional

Have a professional waste removal company regularly attend your site and remove all manner of larger and smaller waste.

Sydney City Rubbish have experience with construction sites of every size, and every type of construction waste.

We recycle and dispose of rubbish responsibly, and at an affordable price.

Be Wary of Hazardous Waste

Waste management can be complicated by the appearance of hazardous waste.

Materials such as lead, asbestos, plasterboard, solvents and aerosols can be hazardous to the health of your workers, and anyone else exposed to them.

It’s imperative that these materials are handled with care, and by professional waste removal contractors with the correct qualifications.

For a quick quote, click here.

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