Operation Good Wood: Dealing with Your Timber and Wood Waste Sustainably

Being a naturally occurring material, you’d think that virtually all wood waste is recycled properly or dealt with sustainably.

However, that isn’t actually the case.

Much wood waste from building projects, residential and commercial demolition and other sources ends up in landfill. From there, it can impact the environment in many ways.

It also means that we’re not able to recycle or reuse this wood.

Therefore, these are just a few reasons as to why you should hire a professional Sydney rubbish removal company to handle your wood and timber waste.

Plenty of Ways to Use It

The best thing about wood and timber waste is that there are always plenty of ways it can be reused or recycled.

Wood waste that is in poor condition can be used for fire fuel, or mulched. However, this only applies to untreated wood waste.

If it’s treated, the wood needs to be handled by a certified facility.

As well as this, much timber waste on building sites can actually be used on other projects, instead of being thrown away.

This timber can even be sold onto other companies for use on their projects.

Other timber and wood waste products like sawdust have a variety of uses too, ensuring that if you do it properly, no wood is wasted.

Save Money

Dealing with your timber and wood waste responsibly can save your business a lot of money in the long run.

By hiring a professional rubbish removal company like Sydney City Rubbish, you’ll be saving yourself time and waste drop-off fees.

That allows you to spend more time focusing on your business and whatever projects you have on the go!

Better for the Environment

When timber and wood waste is recycled or repurposed, rather than dumped in landfill, the environment is winning.

Finding other ways to use this wood waste will mean less emissions through the recycling process, as well as less treated waste.

If treated wood ends up in landfill or waterways, it can release harmful chemicals that will impact wildlife and people.

That must be avoided at all costs.

To discuss your timber and wood waste, get in touch with Sydney City Rubbish here.

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